Frequently Asked Questions

We accept all Medicare part D plans, Medicaid plans for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Louisiana and most commercial insurance plans. We contract nationally for commercial plans, which covers most plans.

We pride ourselves on being as competitive as any pharmacy in the region. Your insurer may also send you an explanation of benefits (EOB) report outlining covered services and how much they paid. We will also send you a monthly statement showing your account activity and any balance due.

In most cases, your copays will remain the same. If you notice something different, please contact our team and we will work with you.

We believe a personal touch is important. Life Tree Pharmacy utilizes a combination of FedEx, our own drivers and vehicles and a local delivery service. Scheduled deliveries occur 7 days a week. We also offer emergency deliveries 365 days a year.

  • Tablets and capsules treating chronic conditions are dispensed and sent automatically prior to end of each cycle to ensure timely administration. Medications that are treating an “as needed” condition are reordered by staff through phone calls, faxing, or their electronic health record.
  • We have the ability to package medications in blister cards (bingo cards as they are sometimes referred to), vials, and an automated pharmacy packaging solution when needed.

There are no hidden fees. Life Tree Pharmacy does not charge extra for Shipping, Physician Order Forms, or Online Access. The most typical fees incurred by a facility is when an individual loses a blister pack of medication. Medicare and Medicaid typically do not provide lost medication overrides and therefore the provider (or individual) is responsible for the replacement. Life Tree Pharmacy understands the financial burden to the individual and/or providers and assist by reducing the cost of the replacement medication.

  • Almost all of our individuals are dual eligible, Medicare and Medicaid, so we are VERY familiar with formulary restrictions. We work hard to manage those “uncovered” prescriptions to get them switched to a formulary alternative that is paid for.
  • Billing is sent out once monthly. Providers can expect to receive their individual’s statements within 10 days after the new month has started. Before we send out any statement, we have hand reviewed each one of them to make sure that they are accurate. There is no pharmacy in the United States that puts more effort in to their billing practices than we do. We understand it is a tremendous waste of time for you to review inaccurate statements, and it is even more time consuming for us to fix those mistakes. We work VERY hard to send them out as accurate as possible.
  • Life Tree also offers the ability to schedule your payments or do a one-time payment online. We are LegitScript Approved ensuring a secure way to pay your pharmacy bill.

Life Tree Pharmacy will communicate with you on the timing. If the individual needs a new medication for a same day start then we will reach out to a local pharmacy, of your choosing, and transfer the prescription to them. We will give them all your insurance information and make sure that the claim is paid for appropriately on their insurance end and the copay is correct. We then will reach out to the point of contact and let them know that the prescription is ready for pickup.